
Datasheet arduino uno pdf
Datasheet arduino uno pdf

datasheet arduino uno pdf

Crystal Oscillator- The Crystal oscillator has a frequency of 16MHz, which makes the Arduino UNO a powerful board.It is essential for the programming of the Arduino UNO board. USB- It allows the board to connect to the computer.Reset button- It is used to add a Reset button to the connection.AREF- The Analog Reference (AREF) pin is used to feed a reference voltage to the Arduino UNO board from the external power supply.TX and RX LED's- The successful flow of data is represented by the lighting of these LED's.The pins numbered from D0 to D13 are digital pins. Digital I/O pins- The digital pins have the value HIGH or LOW.When the power is OFF, the LED will not light up. Power LED Indicator- The ON status of LED shows the power is activated.ICSP pin - The In-Circuit Serial Programming pin allows the user to program using the firmware of the Arduino board.It combines Memory (SRAM, EEPROM, and Flash), Analog to Digital Converter, SPI serial ports, I/O lines, registers, timer, external and internal interrupts, and oscillator.

datasheet arduino uno pdf

The processor code inside it is of 8-bit. ATmega328 Microcontroller- It is a single chip Microcontroller of the ATmel family.The components of Arduino UNO board are shown below: The IDE is common to all available boards of Arduino. It can run on both online and offline platforms. It is programmed based on IDE, which stands for Integrated Development Environment. The Arduino UNO includes 6 analog pin inputs, 14 digital pins, a USB connector, a power jack, and an ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header. The board consists of digital and analog Input/Output pins (I/O), shields, and other circuits. It is easy to use compared to other boards, such as the Arduino Mega board, etc.

datasheet arduino uno pdf

developed the Arduino UNO board.Īrduino UNO is based on an ATmega328P microcontroller. It is considered as the powerful board used in various projects. It was also the first USB board released by Arduino. It was named as UNO to label the first release of Arduino Software. The Arduino UNO is a standard board of Arduino.

Datasheet arduino uno pdf